My most recent post was linked to a members only site. Only after asking the webmaster of that site to remove the link and having been ignored did I lock this site down.
Yes this blog is on the wide open net and may or may not contain information that some would like to review, but by placing the link to it behind a password protected site it is no longer free to everyone.
I will continue to monitor the sources of traffic to this blog and will take any actions necessary to ensure that the content and comments (good or bad) remain free to all. If I have to pay to join or register for any forum that this blog has been linked to without my knowledge, I will shut the site down again. Sharing of information is only effective when it is free and accessible to all.
Copyright 2013, Ron Minor
NOTE - No part of this blog or the link to it maybe cross posted without the permission of the blog writer!!
Copyright 2013, Ron Minor
Friday, February 24, 2012
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Blair Sub Changes
This past Saturday, I spent some time along the Blair Sub to document the changes that are occurring as the second track is going in. For the a quick reference I have included a map (Blair Sub Changes) of the sub and the changes that have been observed.
Missouri Valley, IA
The current alignments where the Omaha Sub joins the Boone Sub and Blair sub will be dramatically changed.The Omaha to Boone sub transition will occur on the east side of Missouri Valley with the east side of the wye being extended eastward on a new track to a point around where the grain elevator is currently. Signal boxes and signal bases were observed being moved for this new alignment.
On the west side of the wye where the Omaha and Blair subs join the change will not be so dramatic. The ROW appears to being prepared for the track to be repositioned slightly further to the west and the connecting switch to be closer to the bridges over the creek on the west side of downtown Missouri Valley.
Allen Creek to California Jct., IA.
Late last year the sub grade was completed for both the new second track and the third track. With winter now occurring, track work was stopped in mid November. But some work has been occurring for signaling and onsite switch building.
On the ROW for track 2 the cross-over switch has been laid out just east of Italy Ave. While on the north side the concrete ties have been positioned for the switch to the third main.
One change that was noted was the closing of Grover Ave about a mile east of California Jct. This road is also now marked as a private road on the south side of the ROW.
On the east side of California Jct, signal crews were noted working on signal cables and junction boxes.A cross over switch on the new main is also being constructed on the ROW.

California Jct, IA to Corning Ave.
The news here is grading has started from Fremont Ave to east of Corning Ave.The face of California Jct has been changed now but will result in more active once this is completed.

East of Austin Ave., heavy excavating machinery was parked and being serviced for next weeks work.
West of Austin Ave, the grading of the new ROW has started but is not as far along as the section between Fremont and Austin Aves.
It does not appear that the grading has progressed up to the slough. On the west side of the slough up to Corning Ave, new survey stakes were noted but no active grading was seen.
Corning Ave to Hwy 92 Blair, NE
No activity was noted between these two points. The beginning of the new double track is just south west of the Hwy 92 crossing.
Hwy 92 Blair to Kennard, NE
The old CTC signals are now gone. A couple of weeks ago they were still in place but the heads had been turned toward the mains.

East Kennard Siding to West Kennard Siding
The old Kennard siding has been disassembled and is in the process of being rebuilt from the grown up and will be shifted closer to Hwy 30 (based on the survey flags).
Along the hill that old Co Rd 32 runs on there are survey flags from the guard rail that blocks the old crossing down to were Co Rd 25 joins Co Rd 32. This appears to indicate that the side of the hill will be excavated to allow for the new track to be shifted south buy about 6-10 feet. This also may be the end of this old road.
The first creek crossing south of Co Rd 25 is being reworked with a fill and culvert are being built. This maybe a new bridge or a temp crossing of the creek to allow excavating equipment access to the area. Further down to the west end of the old Kennard siding, the other creek bridge area is also being worked. It is unknown if these two bridges will be replaced of if the work is to allow excavators access.

West Kennard to Co Rd 21
Trees and vegetation has been removed on the south side of the ROW between these two points. Additionally culvert work was seen for the drainage under the ROW west of the Hwy 30 over crossing.
The new ROW has been staked out between these two points but no active grading was observed.
CO Rd 21 to Co Rd 19
There is a major change in the works for the curve to the west of the Co Rd 21 crossing. Excavators were busy contouring the side of the hill and dumping this dirt on the side of the hill next to Co rd 21. Its unknown if this dirt will be reused later in the project of if the farmer who owns this land will be getting a bonus of new farm land.

Co Rd 19 to Co Rd P34
This area is is away from the road and a bit harder to observe. At the Co Rd 19 crossing the ROW west is staked out and there was a truck mounted drill and pipes observed on the south side of the crossing.

Co Rd P34 to Co Rd 15
Arlington Hill will definitely be change by this construction. The area just southwest of the P34 crossing is almost unrecognizable now and the excavating has not even started.
The trees and vegetation on the south side of the ROW have been removed and the area is being prepped for excavation work.
View from the P34 grade crossing showing how much of the hill will be trimmed back.
Looking east from the crossing this curve will see some changes also.
Co Rd 15 area
This area will also experience a dramatic change. From the way the survey flags are laid out the line should cut across the existing track and straighten out the s-curve to the west of the crossing. It should be interesting to see how this will all occur as the line has some housing close to the ROW.

Looking west from the crossing the prep work for the elimination of the s-curves has already started.
No other work was observed toward Arlington with the except of tree and vegetation removal.
Missouri Valley, IA
The current alignments where the Omaha Sub joins the Boone Sub and Blair sub will be dramatically changed.The Omaha to Boone sub transition will occur on the east side of Missouri Valley with the east side of the wye being extended eastward on a new track to a point around where the grain elevator is currently. Signal boxes and signal bases were observed being moved for this new alignment.

Allen Creek to California Jct., IA.
Late last year the sub grade was completed for both the new second track and the third track. With winter now occurring, track work was stopped in mid November. But some work has been occurring for signaling and onsite switch building.
On the ROW for track 2 the cross-over switch has been laid out just east of Italy Ave. While on the north side the concrete ties have been positioned for the switch to the third main.
One change that was noted was the closing of Grover Ave about a mile east of California Jct. This road is also now marked as a private road on the south side of the ROW.
On the east side of California Jct, signal crews were noted working on signal cables and junction boxes.A cross over switch on the new main is also being constructed on the ROW.

California Jct, IA to Corning Ave.
The news here is grading has started from Fremont Ave to east of Corning Ave.The face of California Jct has been changed now but will result in more active once this is completed.

East of Austin Ave., heavy excavating machinery was parked and being serviced for next weeks work.
West of Austin Ave, the grading of the new ROW has started but is not as far along as the section between Fremont and Austin Aves.
It does not appear that the grading has progressed up to the slough. On the west side of the slough up to Corning Ave, new survey stakes were noted but no active grading was seen.
Corning Ave to Hwy 92 Blair, NE
No activity was noted between these two points. The beginning of the new double track is just south west of the Hwy 92 crossing.
Hwy 92 Blair to Kennard, NE
The old CTC signals are now gone. A couple of weeks ago they were still in place but the heads had been turned toward the mains.

East Kennard Siding to West Kennard Siding
The old Kennard siding has been disassembled and is in the process of being rebuilt from the grown up and will be shifted closer to Hwy 30 (based on the survey flags).
Along the hill that old Co Rd 32 runs on there are survey flags from the guard rail that blocks the old crossing down to were Co Rd 25 joins Co Rd 32. This appears to indicate that the side of the hill will be excavated to allow for the new track to be shifted south buy about 6-10 feet. This also may be the end of this old road.
The first creek crossing south of Co Rd 25 is being reworked with a fill and culvert are being built. This maybe a new bridge or a temp crossing of the creek to allow excavating equipment access to the area. Further down to the west end of the old Kennard siding, the other creek bridge area is also being worked. It is unknown if these two bridges will be replaced of if the work is to allow excavators access.

West Kennard to Co Rd 21
Trees and vegetation has been removed on the south side of the ROW between these two points. Additionally culvert work was seen for the drainage under the ROW west of the Hwy 30 over crossing.
The new ROW has been staked out between these two points but no active grading was observed.
CO Rd 21 to Co Rd 19
There is a major change in the works for the curve to the west of the Co Rd 21 crossing. Excavators were busy contouring the side of the hill and dumping this dirt on the side of the hill next to Co rd 21. Its unknown if this dirt will be reused later in the project of if the farmer who owns this land will be getting a bonus of new farm land.

Co Rd 19 to Co Rd P34
This area is is away from the road and a bit harder to observe. At the Co Rd 19 crossing the ROW west is staked out and there was a truck mounted drill and pipes observed on the south side of the crossing.

Arlington Hill will definitely be change by this construction. The area just southwest of the P34 crossing is almost unrecognizable now and the excavating has not even started.
The trees and vegetation on the south side of the ROW have been removed and the area is being prepped for excavation work.
View from the P34 grade crossing showing how much of the hill will be trimmed back.
Looking east from the crossing this curve will see some changes also.
Co Rd 15 area

Looking west from the crossing the prep work for the elimination of the s-curves has already started.
No other work was observed toward Arlington with the except of tree and vegetation removal.
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